Hello there!

I’m a writer, reporter, learner, dad, husband, birder. Professionally, I’m an art director of content  at Carnegie, a higher-ed communications firm with a wonderful model for helping organizations tell their stories. I help colleges and universities sharpen their voices and invigorate their storytelling.

For fun, I write stories, essays, and book reviews; ride my bike; play with my kids; go birding; read; cheer the Seattle Sounders and the Chicago Cubs; pretend to know how to garden; pretend to know how to cook; pretend to know how to sing.

I’m available as a professional mentor for students and others who want to think about careers in communications and media; for freelance writing and editing; and for getting together to talk about storytelling, higher-ed and non-profit communications, and being ambassadors for stuff that matters.

Have a look around. Let me know if I can fill up your coffee.